Let's talk about your customers over coffee at AACC July 23 to 25

Schedule a meeting with David during AACC

Or over breakfast, or drinks, or dinner — whatever fits your busy AACC schedule. Meet with David Hackett, a healthcare marketing specialist, to calibrate your customer chemistry.

You’ve got the best clinical chemistry solutions — but how’s your customer chemistry?

Your analyzers are more reliable than Old Faithful. Your menu is the envy of Greek diners. And your brand surpassed Buckingham Palace in the latest customer service survey.

But do great product features add up to effective sales and marketing? Your competitors are serving a tsunami of emails, banner ads, and sales calls touting their latest and greatest — and it’s all blending in.

How can your brand stand out and create some real chemistry?

Schedule a time with David to discuss ways to turn product-centric messaging into customer-centric marketing. The marketplace is saturated, so brands need to better-connect with their customers — by talking about their customers!

Show how you get them and how you care. They’ll return the favor by giving you their email address, booking a sales appointment, and advocating for you when it’s time to choose a clinical chemistry vendor.

Schedule a meeting with David during AACC

Dot Roar is a marketing communications firm helping healthcare companies better-connect with clinicians and institutional administrators. It begins with understanding the complex, controversial, and dynamic environment these individuals work in every day. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact us today.

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